Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Fuchsia A5 Filofax Original

Larger than a Personal this A5 lends itself to many uses. In my case it is my Hobby binder. It looks, feels and smells gorgeous. As always it was a bargain (on Ebay) as it has a mark on the back which to me is not noticeable as I only look at the front and the inside.

I've used my ex-calendar for the monthly dividers.

The first section houses my Ebay data ...

… with a spreadsheet listing items for sale or bought, date sold etc.

Behind that is more detail about the item - description, postage and so on.

Here's the second section for German homework.

I'm hoping that the more exercises I do the more I will understand the German language. (It's not working yet!)

The third section is dancing information and houses ...

… detailed instructions for various ballroom and sequence dance steps.

Here's the next monthly divider. By having monthly dividers for the Ebay and German I can see how much I've achieved each month.

I do have other hobbies but these do not lend themselves to being put in this binder.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the German, we lived there off and on for 10 years and my German never got that good.
