Saturday, 10 September 2016

Planner Peace

My ochre Malden Filofax family is complete, the A5 arriving in the post yesterday.

From the smallest to the largest there is:-

1. Mini Malden, (sounds like a Disney character, doesn't it!), which is my wallet of the moment housing cards, money, bus timetables, shopping lists and blank note paper.

2. Pocket Malden which started out as a thought catcher, went over to being a wallet and mobile holder and is now back to being chief thought catcher, brain dump and in-box.

3. Personal Malden, which is my everyday planner and diary, containing To Do Lists, appointments, important dates and notes.

4. A5 Malden which is initially being carried around and caressed housing spare A5 papers but will one day contain something Very Important. (Don't know what yet but I'm working on it!)

Planner Peace has arrived - for a little while!

Happy planning

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