I use my Filofax mini Finsbury in raspberry as a wallet and it comes with me every time I venture out with a view to buying, travelling or recording information.
As such I keep here any cards I may need plus some added extras. The first page (badge holder) holds my ICE (in case of emergency) information with contact details of nearest and dearest.
On the other side is a list of my medication and major health issues just in case I have an accident. There's a little pencil I found tucked in the page. Next up are some holders of bus time information.
The middle section houses the diary starting with a yearly calendar, closely followed by ...
a week on two pages for the daily diary. The pages that came with the new to me Finsbury were 2011 but the majority of the year corresponds to 2016. I just alter 2011 to 2016 and I have a full diary recycled.
The notes section is cut down pages from a notes pad from B&M Bargains. They are easy pull out and I can jot down anything I wish - usually a shopping list but sometimes information or contact details.
A receipts pocket is handy for putting in … receipts of course ...
and there is a spare holder for any coupons. My ring protector is a crocheted version and tones nicely with the raspberry colour.
I did have a trolley coin hanging from the attached key ring but I changed it for some tinkling bells. They tinkle so much that I think I may put the trolley coin back and take these bells off!!!
At the back is a zipped pocket where I keep a few coins. They are not easy to get out but they are handy. The pen I found in my collection of motley pens and it just fits the pen holder.
Around the wallet is a large opening which contains notes.
The mini is small enough to carry around and large enough to hold what I want to carry with me as well as being a delight to hold.
Please click on the labels below for more detailed information linked to this mini.
Happy Planning