What's in my pockets?
In my mini Finsbury - paper money and a bus timetable
In my pocket Malden - nothing
In my personal Malden - nothing
In my A5 Originals - nothing
I started out by trying to fill these pockets in the organisers but I found that stickers got lost, untidy, dirty or bent and anything else I put in I forgot about!
What's in the slots?
In my mini Finsbury - debit and store card
In my pocket Malden - nothing
In my personal Malden - nothing
In my A5 Originals - a note book
It's the same with the slots - I don't fill them for the sake of filling them.
Which organisers are fastened?
Only the mini Finsbury which goes shopping with me, the others I leave unfastened as I don't want to put wear on the strap by pressing and pulling. This may seem silly but I've seen the damage that can be done with dirty mits leading to greasy and worn marks on the end of the fastener. I'd rather try to keep them looking new. If they don't need to be fastened, I don't fasten.
What's in your pockets and are they useful? Do you try to fill every pocket and slot and do you always fasten up your Filofax with that reassuring click!
Happy Planning.